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    Philippe lejeune pactul autobiography of miss

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  • Autobiographical Pact

    Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf (Ed.) HANDBOOK AUTOBIOGRAPHY / AUTOFICTION Autobiographical writings have been a major cultural genre from antiquity to the present time. General questions of the literary as, e.g., the relation between literature and reality, truth and fiction, the dependency of author, narrator, and figure, or issues of individual and cultural styles etc., can be studied preeminently in the autobiographical genre.

    Yet, the tradition of life-writing has, in the course of literary history, developed manifold types and forms. Especially in the globalized age, where the media and other technological / cultural factors contribute to a rapid transformation of lifestyles, autobiographical writing has maintained, even enhanced, its popularity and importance.

    By conceiving autobiography in a wide sense that includes memoirs, diaries, self-portraits, autofiction as well as medial transformations of the genre, this three-volume handbook offers a comprehensive su