Bluma zeigarnik biography channel

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    Bluma Zeigarnik





    Training Location(s):

    PhD, University of Berlin (1927)

    BA, University of Berlin (1925)

    Primary Affiliation(s):

    Moscow State University (1949-1988)

    Psychiatric Research Institute in Moscow (1943-1967)

    Institute of Higher Nervous Activity/All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine (1931- approx.

    Bluma zeigarnik biography channel

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  • 1941)

    Career Focus:

    Clinical psychology; pathopsychology; gestalt; neuropsychology.


    European psychologists beginning their careers throughout the 1920s and 1930s were faced with a unique set of obstacles as well as opportunities.

    As tensions increased in the years leading up to the second World War, many groups, such as women and Jewish psychologists, faced immense discrimination. Despite this, it was a