Laura ingalls wilder books banned in america

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    Laura Ingalls Wilder removed from book award over racist language

    Heritage Images/Getty Images

    The US Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) has removed Laura Ingalls Wilder's name from one of its awards over racist views and language.

    The association had received complaints for years over the Little House on the Prairie author's "anti-Native and anti-Black sentiments in her work".

    The ALSC board voted unanimously on Saturday to remove Wilder's name from the children's literature award.

    The medal will be renamed as the Children's Literature Legacy award.

    The ALSC, a division of the American Library Association, said Wilder's novels and "expressions of stereotypical attitudes" were "inconsistent with ALSC's core values".

    Wilder's children's novels about pioneer life in the American West have been criticised for language that dehumanises indigenous peoples and people of colou