Van phillips 1984 flex foot
Van phillips 1984 flex foot chart!
Van phillips 1984 flex foot
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The Paralympian, Jonnie Peacock, who took gold at the 2012 Summer Paralympics owned and used this running blade. The blade is fitted with a knee socket and spike pad and is designed for leg amputee athletes to enhance their performance in short distance sprints.
The blades are made from a carbon-fibre-reinforced polymer which makes the blades strong and light.
More specifically, reinforced sheets of epoxy material are cut into square sheets and pressed onto a form to produce the final shape. The final product is highly flexible, which is important for the runner, as it allows the blade to store energy, giving the runner a stronger push off.
Running performance is also aided by a long flat toe, and an angled positioning of the blade, which puts the runner in a forward-leaning position.
Össur are the current manufacturers of the Cheetah series of prosthetics.
The original Flex-Foot Cheetah, however, was designed and released by the inventor Van Phillips in 1984