Biography of chinese mathematicians in india
Ancient chinese mathematicians.
Biography of chinese mathematicians in india
A mathematics professor at Princeton University, interacts with students of Bishop Cottons Boys School on the wonders and values of mathematics in Bangalore on January 21, 2015. Photo: AFP
If there is something that has the ability to trigger a huge surge of empathy between the Chinese and Indians, it would be mathematics.People from these two countries have, for years, labored under the global stereotype that "they must be good at math." They have lived through the similar childhood "trauma" of memorizing the multiplication table, 9 multiplied by 9 for Chinese kids and 19 multiplied by 19 for their Indian peers.
There is also a big number of gifted individuals from both China and India today working in IT, engineering, or other industries, enjoying the benefits they gained through mastering mathematics as they were growing up.
Recently, a TikTok clip comparing how the Chinese and Indians solve a multiplication problem in their different tricks went viral, igniting broad discu