My famous look alikes heritage auctions
My famous look alikes heritage auctions llc! Celebrity Look-alike Site Matches Your Face to the Stars
My famous look alikes heritage auctions site
Wait. I am dating myself. I meant to say, from Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I think in a drunken goofy moment I autographed a napkin and said I was visiting my cousins in Wilkes-Barre. But then I told the truth.
My famous look alikes heritage auctions
(I still got a beer out of the deal!)
I’ve always gotten the “you look like someone” but before and after the “Clarissa incident,” I was never compared to a celebrity. So, when I heard about the celebrity-look-alike website one morning on a local radio show, I just had to try it. is a site that allows people to post family pictures, I think for the intentions of finding out who you look like. But, they added a fun feature- photo recognition with the stars. They will scan your facial features and match them against 3200 different celeb and notable people pics.