Critical educational autobiography sample

  • Critical educational autobiography sample
  • Educational autobiography paper...

    In my recent course on teaching and learning in my program, we were asked to write an educational autobiography.

    Critical educational autobiography sample

  • Critical educational autobiography sample paper
  • Educational autobiography paper
  • Autobiography example for college students
  • Autobiography example for students
  •  I have done such activities previously and always found them insightful to who I am at the moment and as a means of seeing what differences influence me each time I re-write it.  I also realized, it might not be a bad idea to share my educational autobiography for those of you who are interested in learning a bit more about my learning experiences.


    Learning As Living

    I couldn’t excel in the emotionally and socially-alienating structure of high school even though I was intelligent; it was a toxic environment that led to depression, self-harm (bulimia and cutting), and suicide attempts.  Upon entering higher education in 1997, I sighed with great relief.  In college, I found a home to which I would spend all but one of the last nineteen years as a student, an educator, and a staff member; sometimes, all three at once.

    My father e