Biblical biography of apollos chariot

  • Biblical biography of apollos chariot
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    Who was Apollos?


    Apollos was an evangelist, apologist, church leader, and friend of the apostle Paul. Apollos was a Jew from Alexandria, Egypt, described as “eloquent,” “mighty in the Scriptures,” “fervent in the spirit” and “instructed in the way of the Lord” (Acts 18:24).

    In A.D. 54, he traveled to Ephesus, where he taught boldly in the synagogue.

    Biblical biography of apollos chariot

  • Biblical biography of apollos chariot
  • Biblical biography of apollos chariot of fire
  • Biblical biography of apollos chariot queen
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  • However, at that time, Apollos’ understanding of the gospel was incomplete, since he was “acquainted only with the baptism of John” (Acts 18:25). This probably means that Apollos preached repentance and faith in the Messiah—he maybe even believed that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah—but he did not know the full magnitude of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

    Aquila and Priscilla, friends of Paul, spent some time with Apollos and filled in the gaps in his understanding of Jesus Christ (Acts 18:26). Apollos, now armed with the complete message, immediately began a preaching ministry and was used of God as an effective