Write your biography in six words
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Write your biography in six words
The Story of Your Life in Six Words
Many people think their lives aren’t interesting enough or worthy enough of being committed to paper, even in journals or on scraps of napkins (my preferred writing materials).
Whenever I tell people about the importance of journaling or leaving behind some sort of written record of their lives for their families, they usually say the same thing: “Oh, who’d want to read that?” or “My life isn’t that exciting” or “I don’t have much to say.”
But just like creativity is in our bones, writing down our lives isn’t just worthwhile.
It is within us and it’s a wonderful thing to do to process our world.
It’s even good for us.
For instance, journaling provides a variety of health and wellness benefits.
One way to write our stories is through the six-word memoir.
I first discovered six-word memoirs while reading Gretchen Rubin’s interview with Larry Smith.
Smith is th