Writing a biography rubric 2nd graders

  • Writing a biography rubric 2nd graders
  • Biography rubric 5th grade.

    Writing a biography rubric 2nd graders

  • Writing a biography rubric 2nd graders
  • Writing a biography rubric 2nd graders printable
  • Biography rubric 5th grade
  • Biography rubric for 3rd grade
  • Writing a biography rubric 2nd graders free
  • This year, I found out that the all of the second graders at my school would need to read a BIOGRAPHY of a famous person and then write a report on it!  So I created an Easy Biography Graphic Organizer and Book Report Lapbookfor them!  It turned out to be a GREAT way to introduce them to writing a first biography!

    So while my first graders were writing their insect reports (see last week's post on that!)I needed to have my second graders working on their biographies.

    So what is a combination class teacher to do?  The biography reports were similar in format to the insect lapbook so that I could try to work with both groups at the same time.  Luckily, I was able to introduce the concept of the biographies and do a practice one with the second graders alone one day when all of the first graders left on an all day field trip.

     Thank goodness!

    Basically, I think that the procedure I did actually worked out pretty well, and their r